Shailia's "My Secret Life" Story

Aug 10, 2021

Secret life: Shailia was an advancing Online Marketing Strategist with a hidden inner life of pressure, stress, and chronic pain ... and a misunderstanding about job changes and the source of ease and grace.

A friendly demeanor, a positive outlook, and a go-getter attitude – this is how Shailia showed up to life and was seen by superiors, co-workers, clients, and friends.

On the outside, things seemed crystal clear: Shailia was easily climbing the career ladder and had found her sweet spot in work and life. On the inside, she was "crashing" every night at home and experiencing overwhelm, exhaustion as well as terrifying panic attacks.

She could hardly sleep, her mind plagued by recurring thoughts, and her body under the duress of chronic pain due to stress, often accompanied by a fear of death.

For years she was convinced that a job or career change would solve her problems – but everything caught up with her. In this interview, Shailia explains why her attempts to change her outside circumstances failed to improve her inner state, and which misunderstanding was at the core of her pain and suffering.

In 2015, Shailia was introduced to the "3 Principles" and finally found out where all the pain and pressure came from. And through this new understanding, that spark of life has grown to a full flame of inner peace, joy, and love.

Shailia's professional background: Shailia has 14 years of experience as an Online Marketing Strategist and 15 years of experience as a self-employed coach for peace seekers and 'soulpreneurs'. She holds an MSc. in Executive Management focusing on Business Management, Coaching, and Corporate Training. She's a certified ICF Coach and a certified Advanced Transformative Coach.

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