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Will we meet at the 3P Conference?

Apr 21, 2021
An easier life through a simple understanding of the mind -sounds not bad, right?

As you probably know, we live and teach based on the "3 Principles", that have fundamentally and wonderfully changed our lives. 

Are you interested to look in this direction as well? Then our conference recommendation might be exactly right for you! 
Here are some short key data:   
  • WHAT: The 3 Principles Conference
  • WHEN: April 25 - 27, 2021
  • WHERE: In your home - around the world
  • PRICE: 115 pounds for 3 days or 40 pounds for one day

We'll be there too and are looking forward to hearing all the great speakers.

We just think there is something magical about so many people looking in the same direction at the same time (last year there were almost 2000 people!).

Being on the road together. New insights. A full bath in a unique atmosphere and inspiring speakers - we are looking forward to it!

Maybe you...

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