In dieser Folge erzählt Shailia, wie sie sich mit Eintritt ins Berufsleben als 21-Jährige immer weiter von ihrer natürlichen Lebensfreude entfernt hat und sich den Leistungsansprüchen unserer Gesellschaft unterordnete: Disziplin, Struktur, Strategie…
Doch vor einigen Jahren, durch das Entdecken der 3 Prinzipien von „Mind, Consciousness and Thought“, hat sie einen völlig neuen Zugang zu Business und Beruf entwickelt. Heute ist es nicht mehr der innere Antreiber, der ihr Tun und Denken kontrolliert.
Heute sagt sie: „Das Leben entfaltet sich durch mich.“
Ihre Geschichte ist eine wunderbare Einladung, alles zu hinterfragen, was im eigenen Leben Druck erzeugt.
Hier gelangst du zur ganzen Podcast-Episode auf unserem Podcast "Insights Inside" >>
Viel Freude beim Anhören,
Lea & Shailia
"Insights Inside" ist...
In the last audio, we introduced you to the turtle and fox to give you a better understanding of the "Principle of Consciousness".
In this week's "3P Moment", Lea will take you on an inner journey, so that you can get a feeling for unchanging Consciousness .
Come and join us for a little experiment ...
Whether you are 5, 10, 20 or 40 years old, there is a part of you that is ageless and completely unaffected by the passing of time, by the characteristics of world of form or even your own thinking.
Maybe who you think you are isn't as solid as you think. And perhaps there's something more pure, more neutral at your core .
Curious to find out?
We hope you enjoy today's audio. See you again next week.
Much love,
Shailia Stephens & Lea Wernli
This "3P Moment" is an excerpt from our last "Totally Human – 3 Day Online Retreat".
Click here to find out more how to deepen your 3P understanding with us >>
These hot summer days have us longing for just a little more snow from our beloved snow globe metaphor. Agree? OK, let's go for it!
In today's "3P Moment" we talk in more detail about the snow in our snow globe. And we answer a question we often get regarding the content of our thinking versus the fact of our thinking.
Here's the thing ...
The moment we place our attention on the snow, aka the content of our personal thinking, things get cloudy and life feels uncomfortable.
Where's the misunderstanding? It's in believing the snow is the whole show ... aka in believing it's our reality, identity, or problem.
When we think the snow is the whole show ... when we get caught up in the content of our personal thinking ... we suffer. Blue, pink, or green snow? It really doesn't matter.
In today's audio, we look to the fact of our thinking. We hope you'll hear something new. See you again next week
Much love,
Shailia Stephens-Würsig & Lea Wernli
This "3P Moment" is an...
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Here in Europe, we're having a fabulously warm summer – at least, for the most part.
Today we're taking a "3P Moment" to explore an intrinsically wintery environment: We're looking at the inside workings of a snow globe.
Probably just like you, we've heard many beautiful metaphors about "The Principle of Thought". However, the snow globe really stood out to us.
And in today's audio, we share our interpretation of this metaphor and explain how it can support us in navigating through life with more ease, clarity, and simplicity.
We hope you enjoy it and you'll be hearing from us next week.
Much love,
Shailia Stephens & Lea Wernli
This "3P Moment" is an excerpt from our last "Totally Human – 3 Day Online Retreat".
Would you like to deepen your 3P understanding?
Click here to find out more >>
Hi, how are you?
We're still very much enjoying the beautiful summer sunshine.
In this week's "3P Moments with Lea & Shailia", we continue to explore the "Principle of Mind".
What we've noticed over the last years is, that while the "Principle of Thought" is usually easy for most people to grasp rather quickly, the "Principle of Mind" can be a bit more elusive.
Perhaps because we get so caught up in our thinking, that the feeling and the miracle of the aliveness of life get veiled for a time.
Here's the thing, you won't get it intellectually .
But you're very likely to find the feeling of it in everyday miracles.
That's why this audio is best enjoyed while lying in the grass somewhere, looking up.
This "3P Moment" is an excerpt from our last "Totally Human" 3 Day Online Retreat.
We hope you enjoy it and you'll be hearing from us again next week.
Much love,
Shailia Stephens & Lea Wernli
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