Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

Choose YOUR Game: A Reflection

May 10, 2024

Hello Dear Reader,

I woke up this morning, put on my swimsuit, and headed to the pool.

While I was swimming my laps, I thought about some questions on my mind.

One question was whether or not to play a game.

Let me explain …

One of my earliest (brilliant) business mentors is currently offering her annual ‘Money Magnet Club.’

It’s a game in which you work toward creating an audaciously large sum of money very quickly.

There are money mindset and money action classes, and a sprint with group accountability.

I was in the masterclass where she presented everything, and it sounded like a lot of fun.

And naturally, my brain was feeling excited about the huge amounts of money people were aiming for.

I pictured my bank account at the end of 90 days, considerably fuller than it is now.

Who wouldn’t want that, right?

But on my swim, I saw something quite clearly.

That’s not the game I’m up for playing at the moment.

Right now, I’ve slowed...


Kannst du Unterstützung gebrauchen?

Apr 28, 2021
Vielleicht wünschst du dir auch manchmal einen Coach an deiner Seite. 
Jemanden, der mit neuem Blick auf deine Themen schaut.
Heute bieten wir dir genau das an, und zwar kostenfrei und unverbindlich.
Warum kostenfreies Coaching?
Unsere "Coaches in Ausbildung" stehen kurz vor ihrem Abschluss und brennen darauf, mehr Menschen wie dich zu unterstützen.
Dein Weg zum kostenlosen Coaching
Du kannst dich für bis zu zwei 60-minütige Coaching-Sitzungen (per Telefon oder Zoom) kostenlos anmelden. 
Das Thema, dass du besprechen möchtest ist dir völlig freigestellt. Die Coaches sind qualifiziert, dir bei vielen Themen zu helfen, die dich gerade beschäftigen. Zum Bespiel ...
  • Ängste (im Beruf, bzgl. Zukunft etc.)
  • Beziehung, Familie und Freunde
  • Unsicherheit und Selbstzweifel
  • Ungeliebte Gewohnheiten
  • ...

Heidi wanted a business strategy and got so much more! Do you want that, too?

Apr 07, 2021
In today's e-mail, we're focussing on business (and projects).
Whatever you're creating in the world, we'd like you to know that an easier and more effortless success is not a distant dream ... but rather a real possibility for you right now.

Heidi Rabbach – an already successful blogger in the area of DIY for families – had the goal to reposition her services.

Heidi is a smart business lady and she was looking for a smart business coach with a tough strategic plan for her "next seven steps to becoming a high-priced coach."

Even though we offered her something completely different, she said YES to us .... and got so much more than she ever could have imagined.
During her first 6 years of self-employment, this mother of three young children created a successful online business.

Despite her success, she had outgrown her original area of expertise and was aiming to re-position herself in a new area. Her goal: to help women learn to eat intuitively.
"I was...

50% Complete

Two Step

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