Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

Are you in life, being who you really are? Or are up in your head?

May 21, 2021


A few years back, while taking part in a 3P coach training, I was sitting with another participant on a couch in a beautiful hotel.

We’d already been training together for over six months and had been asked to pair up for one last reflection on the last day of the program.

She went first.

And before long I had the feeling that the person in front of me was an entirely other person than the one I had spoken many times before.

She was so different that it shocked me. I even found myself saying:
„I feel like I’m really seeing you for the first time since we met.“

To which she replied:
„Shailia, that’s because every time we talked before, I wasn’t really with you. I was up in my head watching shitty movies about myself and you.“

Immediately I understood she’d seen something about Thought, and it had catapulted her back into presence, back into life. And there she was.

I was starkly reminded of this story as Lea and I were...


"Less is more" with Grace Kelly and Mavis Karn

Apr 02, 2021
You've probably heard people say "less is more". But what could this actually mean for your own life, if it weren't just an empty phrase?
Less stress, less tension and less exhaustion. Does this sound like something you could benefit from?
If so, then you might be interested in a brand-new workshop with 3P Coaches (and two of our favorite people) Mavis Karn and Grace Kelly.
Next week on Friday, these two incredible women will be sharing what they've seen deeply about "less is more".
Here's what they have to say about their workshop:

"We'd like to point you to the possibility that what you're trying to achieve has less to do with 'doing' and more with what you quit doing. If this speaks to you and you'd like to end cycles of hard effort, exhaustion and stress, you'll love this workshop."
In the video above, you will already get a sneak peek on the...

Loss as a doorway to love

Mar 09, 2021

Grace has been learning about and looking in the direction of the "3 Principles" for a while now. But it wasn't until her fiance's death that this understanding truly sunk in for her.

In this recording of a live talk, she speaks about her experience of grief, which comes to her without all the usual, extra layers of fear and worry.
And she points us in the direction of a deeper love that's available to all of us – in times of loss, uncertainty, and beyond.
The amazing thing is: Even after the greatest loss of her life – still so fresh – Grace feels an ever-growing sense of presence, peace, and solid ground beneath her feet.

If you want to find out more about Grace, her work, and her programs ...
Visit Grace on her website:
OR join Grace on Facebook for regular notes on love and loss:
So much love, 
Lea & Shailia

Grace spricht über Verlust und Liebe

Mar 09, 2021

Grace schaut schon seit Jahren in Richtung der „3 Prinzipien“. Doch erst durch den Tod ihres Verlobten Francesco ist das Verständnis richtig tief bei ihr angekommen.
Dieses Video ist die Aufzeichnung eines LIVE-Talks, in dem wir gemeinsam darüber gesprochen haben, wie sie Trauer erlebt und wie ihre Liebe währenddessen täglich wächst.
Das Erstaunliche ist: In dem größten Verlust ihres Lebens – der noch so frisch ist – spürt Grace eine liebevolle Präsenz, inneren Frieden, Vertrauen in das Leben und den Boden unter ihren Füssen mehr den je.
In unserem Gespräch wirst du erfahren, wie wir Sicherheit und noch mehr Liebe erfahren können, auch in Momenten des Verlustes und der Unsicherheit. 
Diese ist eine Einladung und eine Öffnung hin zu mehr Liebe.
Willst du mehr über Grace und ihre Arbeit erfahren?

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