Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

Telling our secrets on "Changeable"

Jan 21, 2021

Podcast interview with Dr. Amy Johnson, Lea Wernli, and Shailia Stephens

We were privileged to be guests of the warmest and most engaging woman on her podcast "Changeable" with the wonderful Dr. Amy Johnson.

We talked about our secret lives and had a deep conversation with our host about life and being human.

Listen to the FULL conversation in Amy`s podcast "Changeable" >>


Here is what Amy shared about this episode:

Lea Wernli and Shailia Stephens led secret lives. Lea had everything she thought she could want, and yet she secretly drank, ate and shopped for more than she wanted.
As for Shailia, she kept rising in her marketing career, only to come home from work flooded with worry and anxiety. When they came across the New Paradigm, everything changed for both of them ...


We are incredibly...


The wonders of life

Dec 18, 2020

 Excerpt from a LIVE stream with Lea Wernli, Shailia Stephens, and their guests

In this video we're talking about the "Wonders of Life" with our beautiful guests:

  • Jamie Smart
  • Mary Schiller
  • Judy Nahkies
  • Dr. Amy Johnson

This conversation is part of our extended Facebook LIVE stream titled "Coffee, Cookies & Conversation" from December 18, 2020.

Join us on Facebook (@LeaShailia) to stay up to date on future events and more inspirational content from Lea & Shailia.

Click here to find us on Facebook >>

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Lea & Shailia



Das Leben ist voller Wunder

Dec 18, 2020


Dieses Video war ein Teil unseres Facebook LIVE-Streams vom 18. Dezember 2020 unter dem Motto: "Coffee, Cookies & Conversation".

Unsere wunderbare Gäste sind:

  • Andrea Morgenstern
  • Sandra Liane Braun
  • Beatrice Häcki
  • Andrea Häcki
  • Marlene Fuchs

Hast du Lust auf mehr inspirierende Gespräche und Inhalte?

Dann folge uns gern auf Facebook, um über zukünftige Aktionen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben:

Lea & Shailia



Discover the light within

Dec 11, 2020
This video is a recording of our extended Facebook LIVE stream titled "Coffee, Cookies & Conversation" from December 11, 2020.
We talk about "Freedom and Hope" with our special guests:
  • Dr. Orit Eshel
  • Robin Taffin D'Heursel
  • Dr. Dicken Bettinger
Join us for more 3P conversations on our Facebook page:
We look forward to seeing you there :-)
So much love,
Lea & Shailia

Gedanken sind nur Vorschläge

Dec 04, 2020


Dieses Video ist die Aufzeichnung einer extra-langen Facebook LIVE Stream mit dem Namen „Coffee, Cookies & Conversation“ von Dezember 2020.

Mit unseren wunderbaren Gästen sprechen wir über "Liebe" und lebensverändernde Einsichten und die Macht der Gedanken.

Als Gäste in dieser Episode mit dabei sind: 

  • Sandra Heim
  • Antonietta De Angelo
  • Beatrice Häcki
  • Samira Lüthold
  • Isa Aepli

Hast du Lust auf mehr inspirierende Gespräche und Inhalte?

Dann folge uns auf Facebook hier:


Wir freuen uns auf dich :-)

Lea & Shailia



Quarantine, close quarters and getting along with your teenager – Interview with Erika Bugbee

Nov 05, 2020

#builtforthis VIDEO 5 with Erika Bugbee
Interviewed by Wyn Morgan & Shailia Stephens

After four #builtforthis interviews, we hope you're experiencing just a little more ease and grace during these exceptional times.

In our final interview of the series, Wyn Morgan and Shailia Stephens are speaking with Erika Bugbee.

Erika is the daughter of George and Linda Pransky and also a "3 Principles" Coach specialized in working with families and particularly in working with teenagers (having been a difficult teenager herself).

As restrictions and lockdowns become the new norm for many, the shift from work, school, and play outside the home to life around the clock at home has some families feeling overwhelmed.

In this interview, Erika shares her wisdom about how to handle close quarters and conflicts under these circumstances – even if you're stuck with someone you don't like – who may be your teenager ;-)

The good news is ...

Although someone else might be in charge of and...


Was übrig bleibt, wenn nichts mehr ist

Nov 04, 2020

#speaktothat Video 4

Passend zum Video der letzten Woche, wo wir über die wahre Geschwindigkeit des Lebens gesprochen haben, möchte wir heute noch einen Schritt weiterdenken.

Stell dir für einen Moment vor, dass du das Gefühl vollkommener Ruhe erlebst. Deine persönlichen Geschichten über dich und die Welt würden wegfallen und anstatt des Gedankenkarussells im Kopf erlebst du puren inneren Frieden. Plötzlich realisierst du, dass es nichts für dich zu tun gibt. Nichts. Und so wird alles möglich.

Im Video erfährst du, wie diese Perspektive den Blick auf dein Leben und Wirken verändern kann. Womöglich werden dabei deine persönlichen Gedanken etwas leiser und du hörst für dich etwas Neues und Wertvolles.

Viel Freude beim Anschauen des Videos!

Wir freuen uns sehr über dein Feedback zur #speaktothat Videoserie.

Wünschst du dir eine Fortsetzung oder hast Themenvorschläge? Dann schreibe uns sehr...


Das natürliche Tempo des Lebens

Oct 28, 2020

#speaktothat Video 3

Bist du bereit für eine neue Perspektive, die dir zu mehr Leichtigkeit im Leben verhelfen kann?

Im heutigen #speaktothat Video möchten wir einen Gedanken mit dir teilen, der unsere Wahrnehmung des Lebens und besonders den Blick auf vermeintliche Probleme grundlegend änderte.

Shailia erzählt uns, wie sie früher auf der Überholspur unterwegs war. Auch bei Problemen erschien damals die Lösung ganz logisch: das Tempo beschleunigen und noch mehr ins Handeln kommen …

Heute ist es das genaue Gegenteil, wozu wir dir raten würden. Wenn du denkst, aufs Gaspedal treten zu müssen, dann halte bewusst inne. Nimm Geschwindigkeit raus, entschleunige - auch, wenn das gerade kontraintuitiv erscheinen mag.

Du hörst nicht mehr deinen immer schneller werdenden Gedanken zu, sondern erlaubst dir, die wahre Geschwindigkeit des Lebens zuzulassen.

Dann beobachte, was es mit deinen Problemen macht ... probiere es aus :)

Bis zur...


Losing business and gaining clarity during a pandemic – Interview with Wilhelm Hast

Oct 28, 2020

#builtforthis VIDEO 4 with Wilhelm Hast
Interviewed by Wyn Morgan & Shailia Stephens

Are you ready for another perspective on how we're all built for this thing called life, even in uncertain times like a pandemic?

In today's #builtforthis interview Wilhelm Hast, a leadership coach and business owner from Sweden shares his experience of losing 90% of his client work within the first three months of the pandemic.

His first question was: "What do we do now?" And his first reaction was to tense up, move in and out of frustration and overthinking.

In this interview with Wilhelm Hast, you'll hear about the "game" he set up for himself and his team to meet the challenge at hand.

The only rules of the game were to 1) take action whenever they felt a sense of clarity and inner knowing and 2) pause whenever they felt a lack of clarity and tension, choosing not to indulge in overthinking.

We highly recommend today's interview with Wilhelm Hast, as he beautifully and simply describes the...


Peace amidst a thunderstorm of dementia and COVID - Interview with Brianne Gebril

Oct 22, 2020

#builtforthis VIDEO 3 with Brianne Gebril
Interviewed by Wyn Morgan & Shailia Stephens

Are you ready for another #builtforthis interview?

Today, you'll hear Wyn Morgan and Shailia Stephens speak with Brianne Gebril about the unique challenge of caring for a parent with advanced dementia who is living in a care facility during a pandemic.

Her story begins as Brianne involuntarily goes from spending several hours a day with her mother to not being able to see her at all.

Brianne's emotional rollercoaster reaches a peak when she's told her mother will have to be moved to another facility.

In this interview, you'll hear what happened when Brianne got some rest for the first time in a good while and realized even more deeply where her well-being actually comes from.

And you'll find out how she fought for what she thought was best for her mom, knowing that she doesn't actually know what's best ...

... considering what we think is good or bad at any given moment is simply down to...


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